Oct 3, 2024 · 5 min read

What is Digital Marketing - Types & Benefits


Did you know lots of folks, over 65% of the global population in fact, are using the internet right now? This means billions of people are buying stuff, chatting, having fun and learning online! Within this digital era businesses have to exist online where their customers are. That’s where digital marketing enters the conversation.

With digital marketing you directly promote products and services to users through the internet. It is essential because it allows firms to access audiences regardless of their location worldwide. Moreover with digital marketing services you can connect one on one with customers via comments, messages or reviews.

Putting up ads isn’t all that digital marketing has to offer. It features numerous approaches and tools to enable companies to create powerful relationships with their audience and boost sales. So digital marketing is a must have for any business to thrive in this competitive economy.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is just a way to advertise and sell stuff on the internet. It helps businesses to grow bigger. This happens when they show their products to more people online. Such places to advertise include websites, social media, emails and engine searches.

In place of traditional techniques like TV or newspapers, digital marketing uses technology to reach people on the internet. For instance, when you see a video game advertisement on YouTube or acquire an email telling you about offers at your favorite store. The intent of digital marketing is to advance business growth through connecting with more customers. People spend a lot of time online so companies now have to be on the internet as well.

Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing

There are two big groups in marketing:

  • Old fashioned traditional
  • Online marketing

The classic type includes things like newspapers, TV, radio and signs you see on the road. Alternatively, digital marketing is about the exploitation of online channels. Both are different in several ways even though they aim to reach customers and increase sales. Businesses should weigh up the good and bad sides of each choice. This will help them select the most suitable pick for their needs.

Here’s a detailed comparison table highlighting the key differences between traditional and digital marketing:


Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing


Classic marketing uses offline methods like newspapers, ads on TV, billboards, brochures, and radio for promotion.

Digital marketing promotes products and services online through websites, social media, and search engines.

Reach and Audience

Traditional marketing is more useful for exposure to local or regional audiences which means it’s suitable for businesses targeting specific areas.

Digital marketing gets your business in front of a worldwide audience letting you connect with people globally, no matter where they are.


Costs for traditional marketing are higher because of different expenses like printing, mailing, broadcasting fees which aren't cheap.

Digital marketing is more wallet friendly using less expensive methods like social media ads, email campaigns and collaborations with other brands.


In classic marketing it's often a one way street; businesses talk to customers but there's no way to get immediate feedback.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, lets customers and businesses have a two way conversation as they can interact directly using online forums and social media.

Tracking and Analytics

It is harder to track the success of traditional marketing campaigns as they rely on guesswork and indirect measures like sales increases.


Digital marketing provides real time tracking and detailed analytics which businesses can use to track progress like how many people viewed, clicked or shared.



Traditional marketing is less flexible. Once an ad is placed in a newspaper or a TV commercial is aired then it cannot be changed easily.

Digital marketing is highly flexible as you can always change the content and modify, pause or re-launch anytime based on performance data.


Targeting is broader in traditional marketing as usually based on general factors like location or demographics.

Digital marketing gives you more consumer data so you can precisely target by age, interests, behavior and even past online activities.

Customer Interaction

Customer interaction is limited in traditional marketing. Feedback or queries usually happen much later, making it a slower process.

Digital marketing lets instant interaction through chats, comments and direct messages which makes it easier to build customer relationships.


Traditional marketing content is fixed like print ads, brochures or TV commercials.

Digital marketing content can be dynamic and varied including blogs, videos, infographics and interactive ads.

Campaign Length

Traditional ads like billboards and printed materials can have a long lifespan if placed strategically but cannot be easily updated.

Digital marketing campaigns can be adjusted or extended at any time which them easier to adapt based on new strategies or trends but they often have a shorter life span


Digital or Traditional: Which One Should You Choose?

Both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Digital marketing is often more affordable and lets you reach specific groups of people quickly. But traditional marketing can reach more people while casting a lot more. Here are the main factors to consider:

  • Understand your target audience to see which one works better for you. Are they mostly online or do they enjoy seeing ads in newspapers and magazines?
  • What you want to promote also matters. Some products like tech gadgets do better with digital marketing but local services may benefit more from traditional methods.
  • Think about your budget. If you’re tight on money, digital marketing might be the smarter choice. However if you have a larger budget then combining both methods could give you a better reach.

Types Of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is like a large puzzle with many pieces. Each piece or method has its own special way to grab attention and chat with people. Let's look at the various components of digital marketing you should know about:


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and helps your website appear first on search results. When people look for info online most only click on the first few links. In fact, 75% don't look beyond the first page of results. It's like the first few runners in a race - these are the ones people watch and cheer for. That's why SEO is important. This means that businesses want to be on that first page to get noticed.

The SEO services involve using the right words (called keywords) that people search for. Other important factors include having a fast website and mobile friendly design as many people use their phones to search. Basically your website and online profiles need to be well optimized to get high rankings and see a big increase in visitors.

2.Content Marketing

“Content is king” in the digital world. Content Marketing is about creating valuable content to attract people. Businesses don't just sell stuff these days. They make sure people can trust them. They do this by sharing helpful information. This information comes in many forms. Some examples are blogs, images with information, talks that you can listen to, detailed reports, online presentations, and posts on social media sites. Moreover, putting quality content on social media can result in a higher volume of both shares and interactions. For instance a video recipe can go viral and reach thousands of people.

3.Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing means using websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. It's how businesses talk with people who like them. These websites let businesses share stories, show products and chat with customers. The use of social media globally by about 4.9 billion people in 2023 signifies the essential nature of this marketing method. Brands can create fun posts, videos or stories to grab attention. Companies can put ads on these apps. They target the ads at particular groups using their likes, age or where they live.

4.Influencer marketing

Another way of advertising is called influencer marketing. This is usually part of what is done in social media marketing tactics. With this businesses team up with famous online influencers and celebrities. Their goal is to promote their products. These influencers enjoy significant followings and can change the opinions of their audience. Take for instance when a beauty influencer highlights their favored makeup item; their followers often respect their view and could feel inclined to buy it. Marketing of this kind often seems more personable and relevant compared to standard advertising methods.

5.PPC Marketing

PPC marketing or pay per click marketing is a marketing technique used to market online by paying each time a user clicks on their ad. This form of marketing is on-trend as it lets companies engage with potential customers immediately. As shown in a recent study, businesses average $2 in return for every dollar put into Google Ads. Facebook Ads and Google Ads are extensively utilized for PPC campaigns.

Marketers are able to determine daily budgets in order to stay within their financial constraints. An important strength of PPC is that it brings about rapid traffic to a website. Organic marketing approaches can require time before they see results but PPC draws in visitors almost right away.

6.Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance based strategy where businesses reward affiliates for driving traffic or sales to their site. Affiliate marketing is growing rapidly. Affiliates promote items and earn a commission every time a sale happens through their unique referral links. Anyone with an internet connection can become an affiliate to work from anywhere.

Popular affiliate programs include Amazon Associates and ClickBank with a vast range of products to promote. However affiliates must recognize their audience by selecting suitable products and generating content that drives clicks.

7.Native Advertising

Native advertising blends with the content it is near to feel as if it belongs to the platform itself. In order to match the visual and emotional style of the publications they appear in native ads are designed for both websites and apps. Native advertising proves to be effective for users who like less disruptive experiences on mobile devices. By carefully producing ads that inform or entertain brands can foster a spread awareness in a subtle yet impactful manner.

8.Marketing Automation

Software designed to ease marketing tasks and streamline workflows for businesses is known as marketing automation. It enables organizations to run campaigns more efficiently. Basically you can manage many different marketing activities like email marketing, social media posting and lead generation. For instance a company can use marketing automation to send personalized emails to subscribers based on their browsing behavior. This targeted approach can lead to higher open rates and conversions. Therefore marketing automation helps companies in nurturing leads while they go through the sales funnel.

9.Email Marketing

Businesses use email marketing a lot. It helps them talk to customers and sell more stuff. They can tell people about what they're selling or give them special deals. When a person gives their email address and agrees, they can receive these emails.

Email marketing is really good for businesses because it doesn’t cost much but gives a lot back. It's a top way to market because of its wonderful return on investment (ROI). In order to increase sales companies can design custom messages to their segmented audience. Retention emails also exist that maintain a connection between customers and the brand, demonstrating a commitment to their loyalty. 

10.Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is when we connect with customers on their mobiles or tablets. It's very important now because many people use their mobiles to look at things online. The category of this marketing includes sending messages via text, app notifications and advertising across apps, such as Instagram and Facebook. As an easy example a local eatery might dispatch a text to clients offering a bargain on their forthcoming meal. This encourages people to visit and helps the restaurant stand out. So with mobile devices used everywhere businesses need to adopt mobile marketing as a key part of their overall strategy.

Advantages Of Digital Marketing

●Cost Effective

When compared to traditional methods, digital marketing is well recognized for its budget friendliness. Small businesses receive particular support from this cost effectiveness, allowing them to leverage multiple online platforms to compete more fairly with more significant corporations.

●Global Reach

Digital marketing is not bound by locations so it facilitates brand interaction with customers across the globe. You can take advantage of a number of online platforms to exhibit products and services on a worldwide scale. This makes it possible for you to access fresh markets along with their customer bases.

●Quantifiable Results

Google Analytics provides tools for obtaining measurable results with digital marketing. You are able to accumulate data on website visits, user actions, conversion rates and a long list of additional details. Such insights allow businesses to develop shaped decisions related to their marketing strategies. 

●Rapid Growth

Digital marketing facilitates rapid business growth by allowing companies to quickly scale their efforts. The internet provides tools that enable businesses to launch campaigns almost instantly. Plus social media provides a space for brands to go viral and get in front of millions in a short period.

●Higher ROI

The return on investment (ROI) for digital marketing is often significantly higher than traditional marketing channels. You can allocate your marketing budget more efficiently and maximize the efforts. So every dollar spent contributes to real growth and nothing goes to waste.

Digital Marketing Examples

1. Barbie Movie Marketing Campaign (2023)

A major milestone in digital marketing was the prerelease campaign of the Barbie movie in 2023. This campaign showed how to create buzz and generate results because Barbie became one of the highest grossing films with over $1.4 billion worldwide. One strategy was the extensive use of memes and user generated content. The campaign encouraged fans to share their interpretations of Barbie becoming a viral trend on TikTok and Instagram.

The clever interplay with the “Oppenheimer” movie became a phenomenon known as “Barbenheimer.” As two vastly different films released on the same day audiences began to compare the experiences through humorous content online. By blending nostalgia, humor, and modern marketing techniques, the campaign boosted ticket sales and left a lasting cultural imprint.

2.  iPhone Marketing Strategy with Influencers

Apple’s approach to promoting the iPhone has shifted in recent years. The brand aims to connect with a younger audience by marketing the iPhone for everyday life. Apple has increasingly collaborated with tech influencers and celebrities to create relatable content. Tech influencers with substantial followings on platforms like YouTube and Instagram provide unfiltered reviews with potential buyers. They showcase the latest iPhone features in real world scenarios highlighting functionalities like camera and app performance. The combination of influencer marketing and high quality product demonstrations continues to attract consumers and maintain the brand’s strong market share.

3. Airbnb Marketing Strategy

Airbnb has revolutionized the way people think about travel and accommodation through its innovative marketing strategies. The company focuses on creating a sense of belonging to make travelers feel at home no matter where they are. The brand has featured real hosts and guests in its campaigns to show cultural exchanges that occur when people stay in someone else’s home. A notable example is their “Live Anywhere on Airbnb” campaign which encouraged remote workers to travel while still working. The company regularly uses Instagram and TikTok to share stunning visuals of unique listings including treehouses, castles and tiny homes.

Scope Of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has grown a lot over the last two decade and now covers many areas. Nearly all businesses today use online platforms to market themselves and attract target audience. And now with the rise of AI there are even more advanced tools to improve customer satisfaction. These include things like chatbots, personal recommendations and automated campaigns. These AI driven features also offer better insights for new strategies and precise targeting. Digital marketing was — and is  — the future.


What are other names of digital marketing?

Other terms used to refer to digital marketing include online marketing, internet marketing, electronic marketing and web based marketing. These terms cover for variety of processes mainly employed to introduce products or services to prospective consumers through technology.

What is online direct marketing?

Selling of goods and or services to consumers on the internet is called online direct marketing. It aims to create personal communications that drive immediate responses and sales.

How many modules in digital marketing?

There are multiple modules in digital marketing such as the Search Engine Optimization, Pay per Click, Social media marketing, Content marketing and Email marketing.

Is TV advertising digital marketing?

No, TV advertising is not digital marketing. It is a traditional marketing method whereas digital marketing uses online platforms and technologies to connect with the target customers.

Written By


Qurat Ul Ain is the star at Websouls when it comes to ecommerce and digital marketing. She's been doing this for over 7 years and always adds a bit of fun to her projects. Her smart tricks and easy-going vibe make online stuff shine. She's the team's go-to for making things pop online! Follow her on LinkedIn

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